Saturday, August 29, 2009


Hey guys,
I really wish I hadn't wasted the "victory" title on some silly cappuccinos, because guess who now has two (count 'em, two) jobs? Me! One as a part-time study abroad advisor at a university, and one with the magazine I've been interning at for the last 6 months. So yay! Do they add up to less than 25 hours a week? Yes. Do I have to commute for an hour at least one day a week? Uh huh. Am I still living below the poverty line? Absolutely. But since I'm not really a grown-up, I'll actually be making enough money to live. I'm pretty darn excited, because not only is the seemingly endless and infinitely frustrating job search finally at an end (at least for now.....dun dun dun....) but I get to do two things that I am enthusiastic about. I get to stay with the people I love at the magazine, and then I also get to do something else I love, which is get excited with students about studying abroad. And I get to advise them, mold them, turn them into my minions....muahaha. Anyway, I'll be on both payrolls starting on Monday-ish, and I will buy you all a beer or a cookie with my new piles of money.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Milky, Frothy Victory

So my parents had this little rinky-dink cappuccino maker in their basement, and when I moved out they gave it to me. I was a little nervous about using it, because the first thing I did when unpacking was to drop it on the floor, but today Jackie and I decided to give it a try and ended up with two pretty darn good lattes. A little strong maybe, and we splattered espresso just about everywhere it could get splattered, but I'm confident our method will improve with practice. And in the meantime I might just kill myself from over-caffeination. I think my long-term goal should be to learn how to make pictures in the froth. What should I do first? Hearts are kind of boring, but probably easy. I'm hoping for something like an elephant or kissing fish!