Saturday, April 11, 2009

My Least Favorite Reality Check of the Day

As many of you know, in May my friend Jackie and I are moving into a new apartment. Hooray for that! Unfortunately, what comes with moving is packing, which I have nightmares about. Literally. Recurring nightmares about putting things in boxes. Today, I thought I'd get a head start and tackle the book-end (ha) of things. I weeded through all the books I own and decided to take about half of them. Then I realized that I have a problem. More of an addiction really, because this is what half of my books looks like:

Well, crap. So I decided to make some piles: cookbooks, books I want to read, books I've read and have some intellectual stake in, books linked to projects, books I've reviewed, books I need in order to feel at home, and Neil Gaiman, who gets a pile all to himself because I have a big crush on his brain. Unfortunately, this just made me even more frantic, because then it looked like this:

After much inner turmoil I managed to cut this pile in half, but I have to admit it made me feel like a bad mother or something. But at least now my bookshelf won't fall through the floor. Still, in my perfect world, shelf space is infinite and books are weightless. I give you permission to laugh at me if I pull a muscle dragging these up the stairs.

1 comment:

  1. Awww I would have exactly the same problem! And a house full of books is a good house! Maybe you can use some of the bigger books that you're less likely to read, and make bookshelves for the remaining books. Could be a good use of any Norton Anthologies you happen to have lying around....
