Saturday, January 23, 2010

Amadea and Ann Arbor

Last weekend, I decided it was high time to pay Amadea a visit. Conveniently, she lives in Ann Arbor, home to the University of Michigan, to which I have applied. Ann Arbor is an adorable college town--cold, but adorable--filled with shops, bars, and restaurants. As you might imagine, we spent most of the weekend eating and wandering. And eating. And eating. It was a little intense by the end, but well worth it. We hit the famous Zingerman's Deli, among other things, after which I felt like this squirrel:

Guys, this picture does not really do it justice. Ann Arbor has some of the fattest fatty fat squirrels I have ever seen in my life. And for those of you who grew up where I did, you know I've seen some fat squirrels. But these little roly polies take the cake. In fact, if you had a cake, they would probably steal it. They are so tame that if you walk by them they will saunter up to you and pop up on their hind legs, looking at you as if to say "please, sir, can I have some more?"
YES, little fatty, you can have as much of my sandwich as you want, as long as you promise to maintain that pudge.

"But," I hear you saying, "Cat," you say, "you couldn't have spent an entire weekend eating and looking as squirrels!" Oh, yes I could have! But I didn't. In between food comas, Amadea and I found time to watch not one, but two '80s rock musicals. First: Streets of Fire. Please click this link to watch the trailer--it's well worth it, I promise you. Yes, that's baby Willem Dafoe, baby Diane Lane, AND baby Rick Moranis. The trailer is really all you need to see, as it pretty much captures the whole movie. But if you love poorly scripted, unplotted tripfests, you might want to check it out.

In a similar, more famous vein, we also watched Purple Rain. All I have to say is: Prince, you are one strange little man. Firstly, he has some kind of doll fetish. Secondly, boy can't act. He may be a talented musician, but an actor he is not. As in Streets of Fire, plot is not a strong point. What happens to Apollonia at the end? How do they actually defeat Morris (who is, by the way, the best part of the film)? I can't say I 'recommend' watching it, but it would make a really good drinking game. Every time Prince does something awkward, take a shot. Actually, don't do that, because you might die.

Despite the less-than-transformative cinema, it was a lovely weekend. I hope Michigan lets me in, because I think it would be a great place to live. I could commune with fat squirrels and eat tons of sandwiches. Nice life, right? And if, just sometimes, late on some cold winter evening, I sign into Netflix to instantly watch bad '80s movies, who will be the wiser?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Cookie Party!

Here is the rundown from my Sometimes Annual Cookie Decorating Party. Now, I know what you're thinking. "Cat" you're thinking, "I thought your New Year's resolution was to be less of a grandma." Well, firstly, I said LESS of a grandma. Some of those old lady instincts are working in my favor. Secondly, this happened on December 26th, 2009. So HA.


We gathered and reveled in the variety of sprinkles

After many hours, we had three trays of...erm..."lovely" cookies. Some lovlier than others.

This was my proudest moment. The Angry Cyclops Bear.

Lastly, we have Avatar Adam & Eve, courtesy of Seth. Those are fig leaves, people. FIG LEAVES.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

Because even if you say you don't have them, you do:

1) Avoid eye-contact with crazy people
2) Get into grad school
3) Stop believing that soy sauce is the supreme condiment
4) Read some of my pile of books
5) Stop being such a grandma