Thursday, July 23, 2009

What is going on?

Seriously, New Jersey, what is your problem? The mayor of Hoboken just got arrested for accepting bribes, after only 23 days in office. He was taken down by some real estate dude who defrauded a bank out of $25 million, got caught, and decided to take the entire world down with him. Literally. He bribed/got involved with 3 mayors, 2 assemblymen, 5 money-laundering rabbis, and A GUY WHO SELLS KIDNEYS. Why is NJ so bad at being legit?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Spam (List #3)

And my obsession with list-making continues. Do any of you ever read your spam e-mail? Because I do, and let me tell you, some of it is hilarious. I don't read the actual messages, because inevitably I'd have a case of clumsy sausage fingers and click some link that would melt my hard drive, but just the subject headings make for good reading. Here's a list of the funniest ones (so far. Some of them are pretty lewd, just to warn you):

  1. May we build a nest on your lovely hat?
  2. Turn your meat battleship on
  3. Did the turtle swiftly go?
  4. Deeper in her entrails
  5. Attack her ham pocket (I know...4 & 5....gross)
  6. If you will but bring me my ball back again (alas! If only I could)
  7. You'll peck her like crazy (psycho bird attack?)
  8. Wake up your hot monster
  9. The Pobble swam fast and well
  10. Barak (sic) Obama is a woman!
  11. Is 7pm appropriate? (That depends. Appropriate for what, exactly?)
  12. Rode the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo
  13. On this coast so wild and shingly
  14. We sail away with a pea-green sail (off into the sunset on the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo? With the swift turtle? And the Hot Monster?)