Thursday, May 7, 2009

Catherwine Takyikrom

What's your NPR name? Have you ever wanted your name to be more interesting? Like host Kai Ryssdal's? Well, now somebody has created a way for you to create your own NPR-esque name. You take your first name and insert your middle initial into it somewhere. Your last name should be the name of the smallest town you've visited in a foreign country. Hence "Catherwine Takyikrom"... looks like I've got a bright future in radio. What's yours?


  1. Haha. I like this. I don't listen to NPR much since I'd rather listen to Movin' 92.5: "music from today and back in your school days." They play Rihanna AND (old) Prince. What more could you ask for?

    But my NPR name would be
    Laumra Montaldeo

  2. Or you could legitimately call yourself Smasha! I mean, everyone ELSE has been doing it forever...

  3. OH MY GOD that didn't even occur to me! But then it would sound like everyone who talked to me was one of my best friends, and that would be rather strange. Ahaha.
