Saturday, March 21, 2009

Boston, the Baby City

Not as in "filled with babies", but the city itself is smallish and unintimidating. Easy transportation, cute and walkable neighborhoods, and friendly people. Then again, maybe every city feels more manageable after the gritty, hostile misery of New York. Not that I hate New York, but it does have a very special way of exhausting you. Last time I went, for example, it took me 2.5 hours to get from my house to Brooklyn. On the way back, I was thrilled that I had enough time to get a slice of pizza before my train, only to have a strange man sidle up to me in line and say "it's on me, don't even worry about it." When I kindly refused his offer, he said "but I'm just trying to establish a communication with you, girl....You're getting the supreme, huh? Alright. Alright. You got a boyfriend? That is one lucky ass man. I'm just trying to get to that communication. Mmmmmm mmmmm." Thank you, sir, for the creepy "mmm." Last time I checked, I did not in the least resemble a can of Campbell's. I will now attempt to avoid you by circling around Penn Station until my track is posted. So that's why I like Boston. Or maybe it's because I had a proper tea party! My friend Jess studied in London for a year and came back enamored of high tea, so she decided she should host one, and I have to say it was one of the cutest parties I have ever been to. I mean, check out her apron. She even had a tower of eclairs! And teacups! So many teacups...Maybe someday I will once again host parties, and I can only hope they will be as adorable as hers. Another reason I like Boston so much is Dana. I stayed with her while I was there and was treated like a princess. We made sushi, and cupcakes, and white russians. What's not to love? It's a city of baked goods and my favorite people. Now if only I could find a job there. Until then....eclairs!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! I'm thinking more and more about Boston. There are so many great people there, and it seems like there are good things to do too. Hm...plotting plotting.
